Rodomi pranešimai su žymėmis cargist. Rodyti visus pranešimus
Rodomi pranešimai su žymėmis cargist. Rodyti visus pranešimus
2013 m. balandžio 12 d., penktadienis
Golden autumn Seasons of the Year, traditionally assigned to four: spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Seasons change caused by Earth's revolution around the Sun and the Earth's axis of rotation of a constant inclination to the Earth's orbit plane. Earth's northern hemisphere facing the sun in spring and summer, less - in the autumn and winter, because sunlight is falling on the northern hemisphere, erect, and the sun shines and heats it in a stronger spring and summer than in autumn and winter. Earth's Southern Hemisphere sun shines and heats strongly at a time when the northern hemisphere autumn and winter is the result that, for example. The northern hemisphere is winter in the Southern Hemisphere - summer.
Astronomical seasons.Chart Earth's seasons, when viewed from the Southern Hemisphere
Astronomical beginning of spring in the Southern Hemisphere is the moment when the Sun moving in the ecliptic passes through the center of the celestial equator at the vernal equinox (March 20-21).. At this point, in both hemispheres (except the polar areas) day and night time is almost equal.
Astronomical beginning of summer in Northern Hemisphere land and astronomical beginning of winter in the Southern Hemisphere is the moment when the Sun passes through the center point of the ecliptic, the farthest north of the celestial equator (June 21-22).. At the moment the Earth is in the Northern Hemisphere the longest day and the southern hemisphere - the shortest.
Earth's astronomical beginning of autumn in the northern hemisphere and the astronomical beginning of spring in the Southern Hemisphere is the moment when the Sun passes through the center again in the celestial equator, but after the autumn equinox point (September 22-23).. At this point, in both hemispheres between day and night time is almost equal.
Astronomical beginning of winter in Northern Hemisphere land and astronomical beginning of summer in the Southern Hemisphere is the moment when the Sun passes through the center point of the ecliptic, the farthest south of the celestial equator (December 21-22).. At this point, Land in the Northern Hemisphere is the shortest day, the Southern Hemisphere - the longest.
Due to the fact that the Earth orbits around the Sun in elliptic orbit is irregular, seasonal duration of variable. Earth is closest to the Sun in early January, when passing through the perihelion and probably orbits. As a result, the Northern Hemisphere winter is the shortest astronomical season, and the astronomical summer - the longest (in the northern hemisphere astronomical spring lasts ~ 92.8 days, astronomical summer ~ 93.6 d, 89.8 astronomical autumn ~ d ~ 89.0 astronomical winter D). For the same reason, the Northern Hemisphere summer semester (spring and summer]]) is ~ 8 days longer than the winter half-year.
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